Carved in stone and still covered in toolmarks, "The Cathedral" is a combination of two right hands, belonging to two different figures. It was entitled "The Ark of the Covenant" before being named "The Cathedral", very probably after the publication of Rodin’s 'Les Cathédrales de France' in 1914. Parallels may be drawn between the mysterious inner space that seems to emanate from the composition and Gothic architecture. Emptiness was a factor that Rodin used to allow for, and, as [his 'pupil', German poet Rainer Maria] Rilke pointed out, “the role of air had always been extremely important” for him (Rilke, 1928).
This work belongs to the series carved in marble, most frequently after 1900.
More broadly, it emphasizes Rodin’s fondness and passion for these hands, which he isolated, like the fragments in his collection of Antiques, in order to give them a more finished and autonomous form.
(from artnet)
Paris, April 2017
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@Gérard Flayol: Thank you, Gérard! You are among the few who noticed ... ;-)
@Mhelene: Thank you, Mhelene! You are among the few who noticed the self-portrait ... ;-)
@Adela Fonts: Gracias, Adela! It is a very extraordinary sculpture indeed!
This image has been featured in 1 Remix collection.